Saturday, February 12, 2011

Central do Brasil or Central Station - Amazing,Brilliant....This is really world class cinema...

Movies like this are enlightening makes you ponder about yourself and your life altogether thats the kind of impact this movie has but at the same time its not shown in a harsh manner so as to leave you disturbing but with beautiful memories that will remain etched in your mind for the time to come.Yes reality can be shown beautifully as well with the right mix of pleasure and pain .

How many times in our lives have we encountered people who seem totally against you but these are the same people who stand by you when you are in your worst times and there are these sweet saccharine kinds who just loves to give you free advice but when it actually comes to helping you out in your time of crisis these are the same people who are the busiest that time so coming back to the story the same woman who seemed like an opportunist in the beginning simply goes out of her way to help a child reunite with his father who is a complete stranger and whom she happens to meet due to unavoidable circumstances.

The journey they take to find out the the child's father is full of obstacles but they face it and make life out of it is simply endearing and the strings of your heart will definitely be touched I can assure you on that...

It is one of most extraordinary movies I have watched and will always remain close to my heart as I have come to a stage in life where meaningless acquaintances do not take the pretense of friendship anymore and where sometimes strangers seem like long lost friends but the so called relatives and friends relationship seem to be dying its natural death and peacefully without any negative feeling but a feeling where I feel liberated and happy...

Performance by Fernanda Montenegro is simply outstanding she makes you cry, she make you laugh and makes you angry too..

I would say you will really never know what world class cinema is all about if you miss this one...

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