Friday, April 18, 2014

2 States - Two worlds, two cultures, two families, one love story..a must watch :)

2 States - Two worlds, two cultures, two families, one love story....this movie re-defines and rejuvenates the love marriage space and makes it a complete fun ride for those 2 hr 29 mts regrets only joy Simple yet striking and somewhere left me thinking what happens to the adorable couple post marriage so all in all a well made movie which is totally worth your money and the cinematic liberties taken are completely tolerable and quite fun at that 2 STATES is based on Chetan Bhagat's bestseller '2 States: The Story Of My Marriage', like the the book 2 States was fun and time pass read if I may say so the movie too falls under the same category and does not fail one bit to keep you entertained Its sheer delight to see all the characters of this movie, so real that they need not shout to be heard but well immersed in their world to be accepted as they are. Director Abhishek Varman remains as faithful as possible to this bestseller from Chetan Bhagat , adapting it delightfully on the big screen. Loved the way the diverse cultures, the discomfort and the pressures when people talk of inter-caste liaison, the neverending love and the resolve to win the parents' trust... each and every aspect -- the emotions included -- are captured to the perfection by the storyteller. Abhishek also somewhere pushes us into the mindset of the two families, highlighting the doubts and fear that arises in such a scenario, yet he makes sure he doesn't belittle or demean any community in the process and kudos to him for that. India is a diverse country each region with its own values and ways of life ,yes its not easy to accept that peacefully but sometimes love and adjustment conquers it all Alia Bhatt is superb another fantastic performance post 'Highway',her eyes and expressions do the talking and so beautifully at that. Arjun Kapoor steals the show for sure with an effortless, charming and convincing portrayal of 'Krish Malhotra'..I always thought he was a good actor from day 1 but this was his best undoubtedly till date. The supporting cast was as good as the main leads. Ronit Roy sparkles in the role of the restrained father, the scenes between him and Arjun Kapoor are some of the high points of this movie. Revathy is excellent so so loved her performance and so was Amrita Singh. Shiv Subramanyam enacting the role of Alia Bhatt's character's father just hits the right chord and very very likeable. Liked the presence of Achint Kaur brief yet vital. 2 STATES is surely a fun movie and I strongly recommend the same. After 'Queen' this is another good release of 2014 from Bollywood. Undoubtedly the best release this weekend Don't miss a good wholesome entertaining movie specially coming from Bollywood as its a rare thing to happen these days so lap it up when you get an opportunity. Recommended I say :)

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